PowerScope™ 2 Class II Corrector

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PowerScope 2 brings you simple, efficient, Class II correction like you've never seen before. This latest generation features a stronger wire attachment nut and visual activation indicators. It addresses critical needs of the orthodontist, including patient comfort and acceptance, extensive range of motion, simple installation and much more.* PowerScope 2 goes from package to treatment in just seconds, and unlike other Class II correctors, there's no need for assembly, measuring, or appliance manipulation. This wire-to-wire device delivers unmatched patient comfort, eliminates the need for headgear tubes or special band assemblies, and can be used with either banded or bonded molar tubes.

PowerScope 2 has the ability to treat the following types of cases:
•    Class II correction with dentoalveolar compensation of occlusion (Class II elastics effect)
•    Class II division 1 malocclusions
•    Class II division 2 malocclusions
•    Unilateral correction of Class II
•    Asymmetric cases - midline correction
•    Distalizing upper posterior teeth (headgear substitute)
•    Mini-screw alternative - anchorage for mandibular arch space closure (aplasia)
•    Aid with opening space for future implants
o    Anterior maxilla
o    Posterior mandible